Yardum-Hunter, Chair LA County Bar Immigration Section

For the next year, Alice Yardum-Hunter will be chair of the LA County Bar Immigration Section. This section of the Bar provides continuing legal education to it's more than 500 attorney members, provides outreach to the immigrant community and is the face of the bar association on immigration issues. She previously served in all other executive positions of the section and is honored to serve. She hopes to accomplish much this year by holding more CLEs than in the past, as well as bringing new members to the organization. If you are an attorney or law student and wish to join the LA County Bar Assn. Immigration Section, start here: http://www.lacba.org/showpage.cfm?pageid=544. You can feel free to contact Ms. Yardum-Hunter directly for more information as well at 818 609 1953 or alice@yardum-hunter.com.