Today UISCIS provided guidance to Employers on Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the I-9 obligations for such employees.
Those who receive DACA relief will be issued Employment Authorization Cards which may be one of the types of proof acceptable for I-9 purposes. An employer may not require particular documentation to prove employment authorization.
Some employers will be hiring those with DACA relief for first time employment. In those cases, those granted DACA should be treated like any other employee when filling out a new I-9.
Other employers may need to either prepare new or update existing I-9s. Employers of existing employees should prepare new I-9s when changes are made to Section 1 consisting of the employee's name, date of birth, attestation or social security number in the existing I-9..
Employers should update an existing I-9 when the information in Section 1 has not changed and the employee presents a new Employment Authorization Card.
For further information, please call the office at 818 609 1953 or see this USCIS link: