Same Sex Marriage Aliens Not Being Deported - DC and Baltimore

Aliens who are married in same sex marriages have not had the benefit of securing permanent residence by virtue of their marriage like heterosexual couples. In fact, most heterosexual aliens secure permanent residence in the U.S. based on their marriages so the impact is big on other than heterosexual couples..

In what may be a sea change on this issue, the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD. offices of USCIS have halted removal of aliens in same sex marriages. This is as a result of the Obama administration's view that the Defense of Marriage Act is not constitutional. If this policy is applied nationally as it might be expected to be (as immigration and discrimination constitutionality are national issues), for the first time in U.S. history, other than heterosexual U.S. citizens might marry and transmit permanent residence to their spouses. 

This policy change could affect many thousands of couples.